Countries where Paul Mundy has worked

Countries visited

List of clients and employers of Paul Mundy since 1993.







Now Cardno, Stone, Buckinghamshire, UK,

  • 2003: Community Development and Communication Specialist with ADB-funded Capacity Building for Central Region Poverty Reduction Project, Vietnam (with HTSPE)

logo agro misa


Wageningen, Netherlands, www,

  • 2009: Facilitated workshop on Agrodoks manual series


Anderson & Co

Shetland, UK

  • 2012-18: Book on Shetland sheep

ARS Progetti

(Italy, Kenya)

Atlas Manufaktur

Translated (into English) and edited a series of atlases

  • 2022: Atlas of migration: Facts and figures about people on the move
  • 2021: Atlas of enslavement: Facts and figures about forced labour and exploitation
  • 2021: Meat atlas: Facts and figures about the animals we eat
  • 2019: Atlas of migration: Facts and figures about people on the move
  • 2019: Agriculture atlas: Facts and figures on EU farming policy
  • 2019: Plastikatlas: Daten und Fakten über eine Welt voller Kunststoff
  • 2019: Plastic atlas: Facts and figures about the world of synthetic polymers
  • 2019: Insect atlas: Facts and figures about friends and foes in farming
  • 2018: Atlas of work: Facts and figures about jobs, employment and livelihoods
  • 2018: Energy atlas: Facts and figures about renewables in Europe
  • 2017: Konzernatlas: Daten und Fakten über die Agrar- und Lebensmittelindustrie 2017
  • 2017: Agrifood atlas: Facts and figures about the corporations that control what we eat
  • 2015: Bodenatlas: Daten und Fakten über Ackerland und Erde
  • 2015: Coal atlas: Facts and figures on a fossil fuel
  • 2015: Soil atlas: Facts and figures about earth land and fields
  • 2015: Fleischatlas: Daten und Fakten über Tiere als Nahrungsmittel
  • 2014: Meat atlas: Facts and figures about the animals we eat



Brot für die Welt

Bread for the World/Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst, Addis Ababa,

  • 2013: Training course on report writing


Business Partners for Development, Natural Resources Cluster

CARE, London

  • 2002: Edited case study on mine closure in Indonesia
  • 2001: Edited and desktop published working papers on partnerships among NGOs, firms and government




  • 1997: Writeshop/book: Integrated conservation and development projects

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Centre for Development and the Environment, University of Bern, Switzerland,

  • 2010-13: Writing clinics and editing of policy brief series Research evidence for policy, Bern.
  • 2011: Writeshop to prepare strategy document for research projects, Uetliberg, Switzerland
  • 2010: Training on writing policy briefs, Aeschi, Switzerland



Baltimore, MD, USA,

  • 2022: Making money from vanilla
  • 2010-14: Online and printed courses on skills for field agents, USA and Germany
  • 2008: Writeshop/book: Getting to market: From agriculture to agroenterprise, Nairobi



Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation, Wageningen, Netherlands,

  • 2012: Writeshop/book on Structured grain trading systems in Africa
  • 2007: Training course on public awareness, St Kitts
  • 2006: Training course on public awareness, Grenada
  • 2005: Training course on public awareness, Uganda
  • 2000: Workshop/book on public awareness
  • 2000: Wrote book on agricultural information
  • 1999: Workshop/report on ag sector strategies in Africa
  • 1999: Edited paper on poverty in Africa


Endogenous Livestock Development Network

ETC, Leusden, Netherlands

  • 2011: Writeshop on measuring community well-being
  • 2006-7: Editing of People and Livestock newsletter, design and maintenance of website


Euroconsult Mott MacDonald

(formerly Arcadis Euroconsult), Arnhem, Netherlands; Jakarta, Indonesia

  • 2006-8: Communication specialist, Alborz Integrated Land and Water Management Project, Iran
  • 1999-2003: Communication and training specialist, Participatory Development of Agricultural Technology Project, Indonesia
  • 1998-2000: Communication specialist, Integrated Pest Management for Smallholder Estate Crops Project, Indonesia
  • 1996: Communication specialist, Integrated Swamps Development Project, Indonesia


Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome,

  • 2011: 2-day courses on writing skills, Rome
  • 2010: 3-day course on writing, Kathmandu
  • 2009-10: Wrote training modules on communication for food security for CD-ROM and internet-based training course
  • 2005: Edited and rewrote materials on sustainable agriculture and rural development
  • 2002: Wrote training modules for Information Management Resource Kit on scanning and digital libraries for CD-ROM and internet-based training course



Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit, Eschborn, Germany. Formerly Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit,

  • 2011: Translated/edited 5 papers on agrobiodiversity.
  • 2007: Mini-writeshop for book on communicating knowledge, Rome
  • 2007: Writeshop/book on sustainable agriculture in Bolivia and Peru, (GTZ-Sustainet)
  • 2006: Writeshop/book on sustainable agriculture in East Africa, (GTZ-Sustainet)
  • 1996: Evaluated proposal to produce CD-ROM libraries, (GTZ-ISAT)



  • 2021: Ways out of the plastic crisis: Demands from German civil society


Growing Nations

Tebellong, Qacha's Nek, Lesotho; Maphutseng, Lesotho,

  • 2009: Developed games to teach conservation agriculture, Maphutseng
  • 2007: 2-day workshop to develop project proposal, Tebellong
  • 2006: 1-day writeshop to develop booklet on conservation agriculture for farmers in English and Sesotho, Tebellong

Heinrich Böll Foundationboell


  • 2013: Translation and editing of Meat atlas
  • 2013: Copyediting of booklet on fertilizer use, A soiled reputation



Hemel Hempstead, UK,

  • 2003: Community Development and Communication Specialist with ADB-funded Capacity Building for Central Region Poverty Reduction Project, Vietnam (with Agrisystems)

IDH logo


Dutch Sustainable Trade Initiative,

  • 2011: Edited booklet, The IKEA experience in moving towards a Better Cotton supply chain



International Institute of Rural Reconstruction, Silang, Cavite, Philippines; Nairobi, Kenya,

  • 2013: Writeshop and book on marketing of pastoralist products
  • 2010: Writeshop on writeshops, Silang, Cavite, Philippines
  • 2006: Training course on public awareness
  • 2005-6: Writeshop/book on sustainable agriculture in India
  • 2005: Writeshop/book on conservation agriculture in Africa
  • 2003: Writeshop/book on drought management in East Africa
  • 2003: Writeshop/book on food security in Ethiopia
  • 2002: Writeshop/book on gender issues in Ethiopia
  • 2001: Writeshop/book on dryland agriculture
  • 2000: Writeshop/book on public awareness
  • 1998: Writeshop/book on sustainable agriculture in E Africa
  • 1997: Edited book on farmer-led extension
  • 1996: Writeshop/book on ethnoveterinary medicine in Kenya
  • 1993-6: Director of Communication



International Livestock Research Institute, Nairobi,

  • 2013: Writeshop to produce briefs on innovation platforms



International Support Group, Amersfoort, Netherlands

  • 1998: Prepared for project on agricultural linkages



Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen / Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam,

  • 2013: Writeshop/book, innovation platforms for maize and cassava research, Gambia
  • 2013: Layout of Value chain finance books in French and Spanish
  • 2012: Writeshop/book, The business of agricultural business services, Addis Ababa
  • 2013: Writeshop/book, Do all roads lead to market?, Nairobi
  • 2011: Writeshop/book, One finger cannot lift a rock: Faciliting innovation platforms to trigger institutional change in West Africa, Bamako, Mali
  • 2010: Writeshop/book, From sorghum to shrimp: A journey through commodity projects, Nairobi
  • 2010: Writeshop/book, Challenging chains to change: Gender equity in agricultural value chain development, Nairobi
  • 2010: Writeshop/book, Learning and earning: How a value chain learning alliance strengthens farmer entrepreneurship in Ethiopia
  • 2009: Writeshop/book, Value chain finance: Beyond microfinance for rural entrepreneurs, Nairobi
  • Training course on writing skills, Amsterdam
  • 2008: Edited book, Sustainable procurement from developing countries
  • 2007: Writeshop/book, Trading up: Building cooperation between farmers and traders in Africa, Nairobi
  • 2006: Writeshop/book, Chain empowerment: Supporting African farmers to develop markets, Nairobi
  • 2006: Edited book, Origin-based products: Lessons for pro-poor market development



League for Pastoral Peoples and Endogenous Livestock Development, Ober-Ramstadt, Germany,

  • 2021: Pastoralist map
  • 2021: Livestock for a small planet
  • 2011: Edited manual on people-centred livestock development
  • Edited and desktop published book, Building and international legal framework on animal genetic resources
  • Copyedited and desktop published People and Livestock newsletter
  • 2009: Facilitated workshop on code of conduct for working with small-scale livestock keepers and pastoralists, Nairobi
  • 2009: Brochures for LPP and LIFE Initiative
  • 2008-9: Writeshop/book, Adding value to livestock diversity: Marketing to promote local breeds and improve livelihoods, Cape Town
  • 2008: Edited and desktop published booklets and poster, Endogenous livestock development: Strengthening local initiatives, using resources sustainably and Herders care for biodiversity
  • 2004: Designed website for LIFE initiative, Local Livestock for Empowerment of Rural People,
  • 2004: Edited and designed booklet on livestock keepers' rights
  • 1997-2000: Writeshop/book on camel health, Pune, India
  • Edited reports and brochures
  • Maintained LPP website,



Wageningen University Research Centre, Netherlands,

  • 2006: Editor, conference on farmer field schools for land and water management, Uganda


Lokhit Pashu-Palak Sansthan

Sadri, Rajasthan, India,

  • 2004: Facilitator and editor international conference on camels in Rajasthan


Macro International

Calverton, MD, USA

  • 1998: Communication in USAID Results Center, Mali


Masdar International

Eversley, Hampshire, UK,

  • 2003: Planned communication component for participatory project in Nepal
  • 1999-2001: Agricultural Research and Extension Project, Nepal

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Aachen, Germany,





Overseas Development Institute, London,

  • 2009: Facilitated training course on writing policy briefs, Hanoi, Vietnam
  • 2008: Facilitated training course on writing policy briefs, Cape Town, South Africa
  • 2007: Facilitated training course on writing policy briefs, Nairobi, Kenya
  • 2006: Facilitated training course on writing policy briefs, Hyderabad, India
  • 2001-2: Managed production of and edited policy key sheets on sustainable livelihoods
  • 2000: Edited book on conflict management
  • 1999: Edited working papers and book on watershed approaches in India
  • 1998: Summarized workshop on ag sector strategies in Africa
  • 1998: Edited book on research management in India
  • 1996: Edited paper on logical frameworks

Open Source Seeds



Orgut Consulting AB

Stockholm, Sweden,

  • 1996: Writeshop/book on upland agriculture in Vietnam
  • 2010: Writing clinics and book, Building Ethiopia's Future: The Sida-Amhara Rural Development Programme, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia

Pauer, Erich


  • 2009: Copyedited 3-volume book, Japan and Germany: Two Latecomers on the World Stage, 1890-1945



Participatory Integrated Watershed Management Project, Cape Point, Gambia

  • 2008: Designed communication strategy for project, developed website for Department of State for Agriculture

PLAN Netherlands




Regional Land Management Unit, International Centre for Research on Agroforestry, Nairobi,

  • 2003: Writeshop to produce extension manual on land management in Ethiopia
  • 2003: Advised on digital libraries
  • 2002: Edited and desktop published book on rainwater harvesting in Uganda
  • 2001: Edited and desktop published extension manual for the Uganda Land Management Project (ULAMP)

Rosa Luxemburg Foundation




Netherlands Development Organisation, Harare, Zimbabwe,

  • 2007: Trainer, course on writing case studies, Harare


Swedish Cooperative Centre

Now We Effect, Regional Office for Southern Africa, Harare, Zimbabwe,

  • 2006: Editor, Conference on Farmer Study Groups, Zimbabwe


Swiss Development Cooperation

Ulaan Bataar, Mongolia,

  • 2012: Training on report writing

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Theatre Embassy


  • 2012: Writeshop/book: Behind the scenes: Cultural entrepreneurship in developing countries

Tree Domestication

Wageningen, Netherlands

  • 2012: Edited paper on biofuels



United Nations Development Programme/UN Office for Project Services, Yangon, Myanmar,

  • 1997-8: Communication specialist, Human Development Initiative Extension Project, Myanmar



Uniconsult International Limited, Dhaka, Bangladesh,

  • 2004: Agricultural information specialist, Northwest Crop Diversification Project


United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification, 

  • 2022: Global land outlook 2
  • 2021: Restored land, healthy people, green recovery. Build forward better with land-centered solutions


Information Society Division, Paris,

  • 2004: Wrote training modules on digital libraries for CD-ROM-based training cours 


Global Land Tool Network, Land, Tenure and Property Administration Section, Nairobi,

  • 2021: Implementing land policies: A practical guide for assessing capacity
  • 2011: Writeshop/book, Handling land: Innovative tools for land governance
  • 2009: Writeshop/book, Count me in: Surveying for tenure security and urban land management
  • 2007: Prepared communication strategy for Global Land Tool Network


Van Hall Larenstein

University of Applied Sciences,

  • 2013: Mini-writeshop for Egyptian study tour group




Koninklijk Visio,

  • 2023: Teaching braille: A manual for teachers, parents and decision makers
  • 2023: Teaching mathematics to students who are blind or visually impaired






Gouda, Netherlands,

  • 2011: Writeshop/book, Upscaling sustainable sanitation: Issues in urban sanitation and waste management

Wetlands International



Winrock International

Winrock International Institute for Agricultural Development, Morrilton, AR, USA,

  • 1983-6: Editor, communication specialist, Central Research Institute for Food Crops, Indonesia


World Bank

Kathmandu, Nepal

  • 1995: Project design for Agricultural Research and Extension Project

I provide the following services to development projects and organizations. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.for details.

Producing information materials

Many development professionals do not have the time or skills to write. I specialize in helping get your experiences—or those of your partners and clients—onto paper or the web, using a variety of methods. I can simplify complex, technical ideas: keeping the important information but making it easily understood. I can turn a rough manuscript into a desktop-published book or paper, ready for publication.

Experience: I have written or edited over 300 print and online publications, on development topics ranging from agriculture and veterinary medicine to family planning and indigenous knowledge. I specialize in putting (or helping the author put) scientific and technical information into an easy-to-understand form for farmers and non-scientific audiences. I have extensive experience as a science editor, especially with papers written by authors who speak English as a second language. I am skilled in desktop publishing and familiar with both British and American usage. I can take material in German, French, Spanish, Italian and Indonesian and turn it into finished English text. I can conceptualize illustrations and convert rough sketches into finished diagrams in Illustrator.   


When information is spread among many different people, when people have different experiences and opinions, when scientists want to write for farmers and extensionists... a writeshop can be a good way of getting it onto paper. I can advise you whether a writeshop is appropriate; I can plan and run the workshop for you, and if you wish, I can produce the finished manuscript, ready for the printers.

Experience: I helped pioneer a unique method of preparing publications through intensive workshops. This method enables a manuscript to be written, revised and printed within a very short time. I have planned and managed more than 50 such writeshops in various languages in Asia and Africa to produce illustrated, user-friendly manuals on sustainable agriculture, conservation, and other topics. The manuals and booklets produced are ideal for NGO and extension personnel.

Communication and media training

Many staff with the job of communication lack the appropriate background and skills. I design and teach courses tailored to the needs of your project or organization. Possible topics include: planning communication strategies; selecting and designing media; participatory communication techniques; hands-on, practical experience in photography, video, graphics, editing and desktop publishing; using computers; and managing communication activities.

Experience: I have planned and taught courses on development communication, media and training techniques in India, Indonesia, Myanmar, the Netherlands, the Philippines and the United States. I teach a wide range of computer skills, including word processing, desktop publishing, email and internet use, website construction, graphics and spreadsheets.

Translation and languages

I translate from German, French, Italian, Spanish and Indonesian in English. I edit as I translate: the goal is to produce a document that is not only accurate and understandable, but sounds as if a native English speaker had written it. While I prefer to do a translation from scratch, I also use online translation services to check technical terms.  

Experience: I have translated a series of atlases on social issues published by the Heinrich Böll Foundation, Rosa Luxemburg Foundation and Hans Böckler Foundation. I have also translated numerous other training manuals, documents and presentations.

I have facilitated meetings in English, German and Indonesian, and managed meetings with simultaneous translation from other languages. I have done the layout of training materials on rural development in French and Spanish.

Training materials and e-learning

It can be difficult to turn a set of interesting and useful information into compelling training courses. Training manuals must provide content (what is taught), method (how to teach it) and measurement (how to tell if the learner has internalized the material). 

Experience: I have designed and produced training manuals for community workers on a range of rural-development subjects (marketing, natural resources and innovation), designed for print and e-learning use. I have developed e-learning courses on communications, climate-smart agriculture, plant and animal genetic resources, marketing for pastoralists and digital libraries. Each of these included the training content, the teaching methods (including practical exercises) and evaluation tests to measure performance. 

PM Zurich 2019a

I  am a freelance consultant in development communication, a native English speaker with dual British/German nationality. I live in Germany and work throughout the developing world. I have extensive work experience with universities, agricultural research and extension agencies and non-government organizations. I provide development communication services in the following areas:

  • Production of publications: writing, editing and desktop publishing
  • Writeshops to produce information materials
  • Communication and media training
  • Online training courses
  • Artwork for development
  • Translation from German (and French, Spanish, Italian and Indonesian) to English.

Looking for my airsickness bag collection?

Qualifications and skills

  • PhD in mass communications, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA, 1992
  • MA in SE Asian studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1993
  • MS in journalism and mass communication, Iowa State University, USA, 1988
  • BSc in geography, University of Bristol, UK, 1978
  • Skilled computer user and trainer of word processing (Word), layout (InDesign), spreadsheet (Excel) and database (Airtable) programs. Also proficient in Illustrator, Photoshop, WordPress and Joomla.
  • Experienced trainer, writer, publications designer, editor, workshop manager and communicator.


  • Fluent in English, German and Indonesian
  • Good French, Italian, Spanish and Arabic
  • Some Chinese, Tagalog, Sundanese and Vietnamese
  • Braille (by sight)


  • Long-term work experience (5 countries): Egypt, Germany, Indonesia, Philippines, USA
  • Short-term experience (32 countries):
    • Asia: Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, India, Iran, Myanmar, Nepal, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam
    • Europe: Belgium, Denmark, France, Italy, Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, UK
    • Africa: Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Mali, Senegal, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zimbabwe
    • Americas: Bolivia, Grenada, St Kitts and Nevis
  • Dual British and German national, native English speaker, resident of Germany

Subject areas

  • Agriculture, extension, livestock, natural resources, pests and diseases, pastoralism, research, rural development, soils.
  • Communication, gender, health, information systems, land tenure, marketing, social protection, theatre, urban development, visual impairment.
  • Artwork, atlases, audiovisuals, books, e-learning, information briefs, newsletters, policy briefs, training courses and materials, videos, websites. 


Since 2015: Voluntary work with refugees in Kürten, Germany. Help with finding work and apprenticeships; assistance in navigating bureaucracy and solving problems; managing garden and cooking projects; managing database of contacts; running information service on Coronavirus. 

Since 1996: Freelance consultant in development communication: 200+ separate consultancies for 50+ clients (donors are in italics):

  • Agri-ProFocus (Netherlands)
  • Agromisa (Netherlands)
  • Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa, AGRA (Kenya)
  • ARS Progetti (Belgium, Germany, Kenya)
  • Atlas Manufaktur (Germany)
  • Bread for the World/Evangelische Entwicklungsdienst (Ethiopia)
  • Business Partners for Development (UK, Germany)
  • CARE (Bangladesh, Denmark, Netherlands)
  • Catholic Relief Services, CRS (Kenya, Germany, USA)
  • CTA (Germany, Grenada, Netherlands, Kenya, Senegal, St Kitts, Tanzania, Uganda)
  • Dutch Sustainable Trade Initiative, IDH (Netherlands)
  • Endogenous Livestock Development Network (HIVOS, Germany)
  • Euroconsult (Asian Development Bank, Indonesia; World Bank, Iran)
  • Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, FAO (Germany, Italy, Nepal, Thailand)
  • Greenpeace (Germany)
  • Growing Nations (Lesotho)
  • Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeitt, GIZ, GTZ (Germany, Bolivia, India, Kenya)
  • Heinrich Böll Foundation (Germany)
  • HTSPE (Asian Development Bank, Vietnam)
  • International Institute of Rural Reconstruction, IIRR (various, Ethiopia, Kenya, Germany, Philippines, Tanzania, Uganda)
  • International Livestock Research Institute, ILRI (Kenya)
  • ISG (Danida, Uganda)
  • Royal Tropical Institute, KIT (various, Gambia, Germany, Netherlands, Kenya, Mali)
  • League for Pastoral Peoples, LPP (Misereor, Germany, Italy, S Africa)
  • LEI, Wageningen University and Research Centre (Uganda)
  • Lokhit Pashu-Palak Sansthan (Germany, India)
  • Macro (USAID, Mali)
  • Masdar (World Bank and DFID, Nepal)
  • Misereor (Germany)
  • NIRAS (Ethiopia)
  • Open Source Seeds (Germany)
  • Overseas Development Institute, ODI (DFID, Sida, UK, Germany, India, Kenya, South Africa, Vietnam)
  • Orgut (SIDA, Ethiopia, Vietnam)
  • Participatory Integrated Watershed Management Project (African Development Bank, Gambia)
  • PLAN Netherlands (Netherlands)
  • Relma (SIDA, Ethiopia, Kenya, Zimbabwe)
  • Rosa Luxemburg Foundation (Germany)
  • SNV (Zimbabwe)
  • Swedish Cooperative Centre (Zimbabwe)
  • Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (Mongolia)
  • Theatre Embassy (Netherlands)
  • Unesco (Germany)
  • UN-HABITAT (Kenya, Germany)
  • Uniconsult International Ltd, UCIL (Asian Development Bank, Bangladesh)
  • University of Bern/Centre for Development and Environment (Switzerland)
  • Unops (UNDP, Myanmar)
  • Van Hall Larenstein, University of Applied Sciences (Netherlands)
  • VE-LOG (Germany)
  • Vétérinaires Sans Frontières, VSF (Belgium, Germany)
  • Visio (Netherlands)
  • WASTE (Netherlands)
  • Wetlands International (Mali)

1993-96: Director of communication, International Institute of Rural Reconstruction (Philippines): communication management, project planning, workshop management, editing, publication, audiovisuals, training.

1986-92: Research, teaching and graduate study on agricultural information and technology dissemination, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Iowa State University (both USA), and Agency for Agricultural R&D (Indonesia).

1983-86: Editor, Central Research Institute for Food Crops (World Bank, Asian Development Bank, Indonesia)

Publications and training courses

I have written, edited or designed over 300 publications of various types, ranging from information sheets and policy briefs to training manuals and major books. I have conducted numerous training courses on various aspects of communication and writing. I have authored e-learning courses on subjects ranging from communication to biodiversity. Click here for a list.


I undertake short-term consultancy assignments (no longer than 4 weeks at a time). For family reasons, I am not currently considering long-term employment overseas.

Consulting work is inherently uncertain: funding doesn't come through, projects are delayed, or a competitor may win the bid. Because of demand, I try to plan my work at least 6 months in advance. It is sometimes necessary to juggle dates to make things fit the calendar.

I am occasionally able to take on activities at short notice if a prior commitment falls through, or if it happens to fill a gap in my calendar.

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to check on my availability.


My consultancy rates are negotiable: they depend on the client (less for impoverished NGOs), location (less if I can work at home) and type and duration of the job. I can charge per day, or for a completed job (depending on the estimated amount of time the job will take). The client also pays any expenses (airfare, visas, hotel, per diem). This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for details.

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for a full curriculum vitae. Click here for a list of publications and training materials I have worked on.